My first blog post

I have a different reason for starting a weblog, but since it’s kinda coming together on this rare event of a super wolf blood moon eclipse, I figured I’d just go ahead and make my first post in honor of this astronomical and astrological event.

As I edit this markdown file in my text editor of choice (Atom), the moon is almost gone. Soon (around 12:12 ET I hear) it will get real bloody. That’s what I’m waiting for! I don’t have a good camera or telescope available, but I’ll see if I can get some kind of photos from Wilmington, Delaware, my current location. Stay tuned!

‘Round about midnight I went out on my parents’ back patio in the blood-freezing cold (about 15 deg F not counting the considerable arctic wind chill) and at full zoom aimed my dad’s point-and-shoot straight up at the bloody moon, nearly overhead. It’s like moon noon and freezing as balls. I couldn’t hold the camera and get a steady shot, so I found a ball of foil (near the grill) and mashed it into a shape that could angle the camera ever so slightly from being flat on its back on the glass top patio table. Glass! I could put my face under the table and look up through the wavy glass and see the camera screen to make sure the moon was on it. Super convenient, and took no planning at all. Perfect!

I took a bunch of photos using the basic auto camera setting, cuz it was too dang cold for poking around with little bitty dials in the dark. This one is the bloodiest, so I chose it. I hope you like it. It was maybe worth the effort, a little. What was more worth it was seeing all the stars out bright around the super wolf blood moon, and taking a few frigid seconds to appreciate what an amazing universe we are part of.


Thanks for reading my very first ever in my life blog post! May it not be my last. Because I have at least one other thing to write about. Bye til then!